JUMP TOGameShift REST APITransactionsSign a Transaction for UserpostGets a transaction and its detailsgetAsset TemplatesCreate Asset TemplatepostFetch Asset TemplatesgetCreate New Asset from Asset TemplatepostFetch Asset TemplategetUpdate Asset TemplateputDelete Asset TemplatedeleteCreate a Payment for an AssetpostUsersCreate withdrawalpostGets withdrawalsgetGet withdrawal detailsgetFetch all UsersgetRegister UserpostFetch UsergetFetch User Wallet AddressgetFetch User AssetsgetFetch User's Currency BalancesgetTransfer CurrencypostAssetsFetch all AssetsgetCreate AssetpostFetch all Assets for salegetFetch AssetgetUpdate an AssetputTransfer AssetpostList Asset for salepostBuy AssetpostCancel Asset listingpostLend AssetpostAsset CollectionsFetch all Asset CollectionsgetCreate New Asset CollectionpostFetch Asset CollectiongetFetch Asset Collection's AssetsgetFetch Default Asset Collection's AssetsgetLending GrantsFetch Lending GrantgetCancel Lending GrantdeleteAccept Lending GrantpostReturn AssetpostPaymentsFetch PaymentgetFetch All PaymentsgetCreate a PaymentpostCurrenciesFetch Registered CurrenciesgetImport CurrencypostPowered by Create Assetpost deprecatedhttps://api.gameshift.dev/assetsCreates a new Asset and assigns it to a User. Please use POST /nx/unique-assets instead